Friday 28 March 2014

Comic Style

I decided to try something new and more of a comic book style, this isn't a T-shirt design or anything more just practice. I wanted to give this a go, loosen up and see if I could be re-inspired or even create a new style, it seems to be helping and inspiring me to come up with more ideas. 

So hopefully it'll lead to greater things so I'll see how it goes.

(The original and coloured in)

Tuesday 11 March 2014

These past few weeks I have been working on a design for a T-shirt based off the game 'Zombies ate my Neighbours'. I wanted to make the shirt look like a level off the game but include most of the characters.

These are the two I have designed so far. I wanted them to look similar to the game so fans of the game would recognize them but make them unique to my own style. 


This design was a birthday gift for my lover boy, it was printed as a T-shirt and turned out pretty awesomely.


 I have no real idea why I did this. I guess I just lost my mind and had a brief hiatus of insanity so take it as you may.

Texas Chainsaw

The Heebie Jeebies

Pinocchio's Revenge